Friday, August 10, 2012

Aug 10: Avoid "The Trap of the Senses"

August 10 Compassionate Living Tip from Interfaith Paths to Peace

Learn to Avoid "The Trap of the Senses" from H.W.L. Poonja

Everybody wants to be free. What is the one impediment between you and freedom? Craving. Desire or expectation for something which is perishable.
You are devoted to that craving. Thus, you are devoted to this manifestation and its construction; craving that which is impermanent leads to suffering, old age, and death.
Everyone is involved in this craving for sense pleasures, and it has not given peace to anyone. No one, from king to middle-class to workers, is happy. They are all chasing what appears and disappears.
Craving for what is not real takes you away from the eternal reality. Gods have everything, but still they are not happy.
You always have a light within you, but you don’t turn toward it. Instead, you see this light shining on outer objects. You chase these objects, looking for the light. But you are only seeing reflections of the light within. You run looking for satisfaction from the objects that have caught the reflection of your inner light.
You are hunting outside. This is called craving.
When you decide, “Enough! I must be free,” then the function of the mind stops going out and clinging to objects in search of happiness. It becomes no-mind. The mind is only mind in the fulfillment of its desires. When you desire something, when you crave something, when you expect something, then it takes this function, and its name is mind.
Stop it, and it is quiet. In this quietness, you can’t call it mind. So dam the flow of the river flowing outward. Energy is not being wasted then. When it is dammed, it stops. Then it is quiet. In this quietness, the river will be no river. You can’t call it a river now. Now call it a reservoir.
This reservoir, without ripples, is identical to your own light. This light is inside your mind.
Now the mind is no-mind. No mind, no craving, no expectations, no desires, no notions, and no ideas.
It is good to stop. Then you will see that you have found the precious stone you have been seeking. Having found this, you will be happy. You will be satisfied. You don’t expect anything more, because this is chitdarman, the fulfillment of all desires. Chitdarman means you just think and it happens. Chitdarman, the precious stone which shines by its own luster.

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