April 20 Compassionate Living Tip from Interfaith Paths to Peace:
Explore the innovative "Restorative Approach" to School Discipline
http://www.rpforschools.net/ what.htm
The Restorative Approach to School Discipline asks these questions:
In this approach to
dealing with wrongdoing, then, the focus is on the harm that has
been done and the obligation this brings on the part of those
responsible to ‘right the wrong’ as much as possible. It’s an approach
that seeks to develop in the wrongdoer an understanding of the breadth
and depth of the harm their behaviour has caused to others so that they
can best try to make amends to those most affected. In this way, it’s an
educative approach.
It also ensures that those who have been most affected by the wrongdoing have the opportunity to be involved in working out what has to happen in order to move forward.
Explore the innovative "Restorative Approach" to School Discipline
The Restorative Approach to School Discipline asks these questions:
What happened?
Who’s been harmed? and
What needs to happen to repair some of that harm?
It also ensures that those who have been most affected by the wrongdoing have the opportunity to be involved in working out what has to happen in order to move forward.
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