Register now for "Reclaiming a Soul Infused-Life"
(The February 20 Compassionate Living Tip from Interfaith Paths to Peace)
(The February 20 Compassionate Living Tip from Interfaith Paths to Peace)
Reclaiming a Soul Infused-Life:
Exploring Cross-Cultural Soul-Encounter Practices
for Inner Transformation and Outer World Peace
with Marilyn Stoner & Doug Van Houten
Friday, February 28, 6:00 p.m. thru Noon, Sunday, March 2, 2014
Crestwood, Kentucky
Cost: sliding scale $175 – $225
Venue: McCoy House at Camp Kavanaugh, Crestwood, KY
YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER space is limited
WE LONG TO RESTORE the lost aspects of our soul life. Soul loss can be felt as a diminishment in meaning, connection, vitality, joy, intuition, imagination, power, feeling, vision and community. Because of the ceaseless demands and frantic pace of contemporary culture, we often find that we have little time for self-reflection, healing, wholing and encounters with our true self — our soul life. This leaves us feeling that something essential is missing from our lives.
Often when we hear soul speak it does so in a kind of a lament for those exquisite things lost. Availing ourselves to these soul-sent missives can guide us to the larger Self that awaits. That Self, and its full magnificence, is what this world — a world in great peril and possibility — longs for.
You are invited to join a circle of concerned hearts of all faiths as we engage in practices drawn from many faith traditions. As we engage in these processes, our time together will include:
• Expressing our grief over losses to our individual and community wholeness• Opening up to our stories of loss, hope and joy• The use of the creative processes of art, music and movement• Focused time alone in nature• Soulcentric dreamwork and guided imagery• Council, ritual and celebration
To register or obtain more information: Call or email Doug Van Houten at: (502) 472-6563
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